What else would a girl from
Milwaukee ride?
Fayeland Mi-Kis' Beginnings
In the 1960's I raised, Trained and showed Harlequin Great Danes. In the 70,s and 80's I was raising my children and didn't have time to breed or show, but we always had dogs. In 1997 I was looking for a companion breed that I would be able to take with me wherever I went. I answered an ad in the Milwaukee Journal and that is when I met the Mi-Ki and Maureen Van Wormer (the founder of the breed) for the first time. I was looking for a small, longhaired, non-shedding, sweet natured, buff colored dog. Well I got everything except the buff color! The only pup Maureen had available at the time was a black and white, 3 month old female with a hefty underbite. She didn't look at all like the picture I had in my mind, but she intrigued me. She sat calmly in my lap all the time Maureen was telling me about the breed. I was totally undecided. Although her personality captured me she didn't have the "look" I had my heart set on. I decided to take her but had to come back for her. When I returned, Maureen had her in a child's playpen. The minute she heard my voice she climbed out of the playpen and came running to me. And as they say, the rest is history! She is my heart and soul. I never had a dog so attuned to me and me to her. I swear she understands every word I say and knows what I am going to do before I do! Maureen talked me into breeding Asia and even with her underbite, bred to males with good bites she produced some nice pups that in turn produced nicer pups.
How the International Mi-Ki Registry Was Started
When I met Cindy and Annette Jurkiewicz at one of the Imperial Toy Mi-Ki Club shows we became fast friends. Later, when we realized that Maureen had started the Mi-Ki breed, we asked her to reveal the truth of their origin. Unfortunately, at that time Maureen refused to publicly admit she started the breed. Cindy and Annette were content with the Mi-Kis they had, but I knew that this was the only breed I would want for the rest of my life and I wanted to see it prosper. I convinced them to start a club with me and in January of 1999 we started the International Mi-Ki Registry. We vowed we would do it right. It took us almost a year to formulate all the rules and regulations, Code of Ethics, By Laws, Litter and Registration forms, etc. We kept Maureen's original Standard, just defined it to make it more specific. It was about that time that we learned about the other Mi-Ki clubs and all the controversy between them. Each had a different origin and Standard. We tried to tell them the truth of origin, but no one wanted to listen, so we decided to stay out of the controversies and focus on our Breeding Program. It wasn't long after we went public with the true origin of the Mi-Ki that Maureen publicly admitted to starting the breed.
Cindy contacted the United Kennel Club about doing DNA profiling for us. At the time they would only do accepted breeds. Cindy explained that we wanted to develop the Mi-Ki breed and needed the DNA as a tool to do so. The first few DNA certificates classified the breed as AMBOR, meaning mixed breed, but it wasn't long and our certificates came back with Mi-Ki in the breed description. Annette's Tee-Nee-King-of-the-Hill is the first Mi-Ki on the OFA and CERF databases. We started the Breeders Alliance and asked that all breeding Mi-Kis have health checks done, but we had no way of regulating it until Cheryl Weaver joined us and she explained how the National Jack Russell Terrier Club did it. Hence we started the A/B registry where the breeding dogs had to have health certifications at the age of one year before they could get permanently registered and have their litters registered.
In 2000 the United Kennel Club had a Rare Breed Specialty in conjunction with their yearly Premium show and the Mi-Ki was invited. My Asia's Blue Angel took Best of Breed at that show. Through the years we have had booths at pet expos to promote the breed, marched in many parades, attended charity events as a club and several of our Mi-Kis have become licensed therapy dogs.
Maureen has passed but in the Spring of 2008 she named me her spokesperson and the IMR as the only Mi-Ki Club she sanctions. I collaborated with her to write her accounting of how she started the Mi-Ki breed. In April of 2008, IMR Mi-Kis were one of the first breeds accepted into the newly formed CDHPR, which is the entry program for recognition with the United Kennel Club. In January 2016, the Mi-Ki was officially recognized by UKC.
~ Connie Faye Abel ~
Sheboygan 4th of July Parade
Tabatha spreading smiles at CCI benefit
Halloween Costume Contest
Crimson Rose's Ides of March
Asia, Angel, Pansey and Myself
My First Mi-Kis- Pansey, Asia & Angel
Four Generations of Studs
Three Generations of Fayeland Mi-Kis: Int'l. Champion Weavwoods Kentucky Dream of Fayeland, Int'l. Champion Fayeland's Little White Witch & Fayeland's August Moon
In Loving Memory of Connie's Asia Minor
Asia came into my life on January 17, 1998 and left me on January 20, 2014. As you read above she bonded to me from the start, but her story doesn't end there. She whelped five litters in her prime, producing some pups that became quite
well known. Dash and Angel were in her first litter, both had litters of their own and Angel won Best of Breed at the UKC Specialty in 2000. Her second litter was five males and one female. Fabulous Fabian came from that litter, along with Brewster who's grandchildren came back to me years
later. Prince Charming was her grandson and the list
goes on. Because of the bond I had with Asia I first
thought that a phase of my life had ended with her. Then
I realized that her influence would be with me for the
rest of my life. If she had been any other dog, I wouldn't have become a breeder, I wouldn't have sought the knowledge I gained over the last 16 years and I definitely wouldn't have talked Cindy and Annette into starting the IMR with me. It is because of Asia that I am who I am today. She lives in my heart and mind and in her beautiful fifth generation grandchildren I now have. I believe we will be together again in
whatever comes after this life.